
A while back, a nice director man made a short film based on my old Meathaus comic about a dying dog. Now the film has been posted online, and you can watch it here. I must say, the passage of time makes this no less surreal.


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Life Drawing



I’m sorry to have missed Wednesday. I suppose I’d better accept the inevitable slide into more casual posting, as I move deeper into other projects. Some people are good at juggling many pins, but I have enough trouble throwing one in the air and then catching it again when it falls.

Anyway, here are some life drawing sketches. I did a drop in session last week for the first time in, I dunno, maybe not a decade but close enough, and I could practically feel the electricity moving through dormant parts of my brain.


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D&D: Skull Collection

I’ve decided that my witch collects skulls – from her slain enemies, of course, but also from any old corpse that she comes across. Allies’ skulls, whatever. If her sister died, she’d probably take her skull too. So in lieu of a proper level five character update, which I couldn’t quite manage in my day of pre-travel errands, here’s a selection of her trophies (I’m not very diligent about taking notes or recording names, as you can see by my creative labelling).

These are, of course, destined to line her caster’s tower. She’s the kingdom’s magister (I say D&D, but we’re actually playing the Pathfinder Kingmaker campaign), so as my GM points out, this might repel the general populace, but that just makes it extra delightful. She’s a repellent lady, my witch.


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I know bracelets show up on a lot of my want lists, but that’s because they’re a powerful, ongoing want – almost a shiny-level want, really. And unlike other types of jewellery, or other brightly coloured things, they won’t go absolutely unworn. So let me break down the current crop in detail:

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Birthday List


Tomorrow is June, so it’s time for the annual birthday list.

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Cave Canem

This week, I’m going to paint a giant mural on my wall. I think I’ll go with a cave canem-looking dog guardian this time; though the sketch looks more like a dog-rat hybrid, doesn’t it. Anyway, it’s as close as I’ll get to having real dog, at least for the next few years, so I’ll take what I can get. Or beget, I guess.


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When I switched from goblin portraits to (photo-realistic) self-portraits, I meant it to be an evolution. No more hiding behind the goblin, I told myself; it’s time to step out of my comfort zone, and wear some weird shit

But of course, the more I forced the idea, the more I found myself dressing in nothing but black jeans and t-shirts and sneakers. And no wonder, because by retiring the goblin I was, in fact, retiring my capacity for adventure. Frankly, I’m ashamed! It’s like life and art have taught me nothing. The goblin was never impeding my braver, weirder, colour-clashing self; it is my braver, weirder, colour-clashing self (and my greedy self, and my hoarding self, and my no-sharing, go-away self, etc.)

So the goblin has thrust its way back in, as it was bound to do sooner or later. Can’t live with it, can’t live without it. Maybe now we’ll have some proper, ridiculous outfit posts.


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I’ve recently found a regular group of lovely, experienced D&D players who are willing to let me join them. They’ll never get rid of me now, the poor souls, and neither will you in terms of having to hear all about it; so to start with, here’s my level one witch, Yrra.

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Skyrim Art


I’m working on a big paperwork-heavy thing right now, which means that my attention is wandering towards all the various fantasy games I’m not allowed to play. And somehow, despite the (literally) thousands of hours I’ve already sunk into it, I still find myself itching for Skyrim. Oh, Skyrim! Sweet, unmelting dopamine popsicle! I’ll never be able to quit you.

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Need List

You know I love to want things, but every want drags behind it a shadow: an actual, practical (and probably long abandoned) need. It’s like a mirror world, yes? Or an alternate but overlapping plane of existence! So here is a need list.

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I can’t remember if I’ve ever mentioned this particular want. I feel like I must have, as it’s a long-term one, but anyway: I want a set of coveralls. Or a flight suit, if you prefer. I want one, and I want it to be huge, like a Bag of Holding for your body parts in the sense that mass and volume are made irrelevant by its magic.


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I’m still in a scribbly mood, so have this (cleaning the leftover paint off the palette) rerun from a couple years ago.


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Scribble 01

I’m having one of those can’t draw to save my life days, which means I waste pencil lead making giant adult-baby scribbles (my specialty); and I’m numbering this one, with the implication that it will become a series, because I’m the boss of me.


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Shiny Box

This was supposed to be a “shiny collection” post (it occurs to me that about half my shinies actually count as space shinies), but the light wasn’t good enough, so instead I took a picture of my all-purpose treasure hoarding box. I’m not a methodical hoarder, as you can see. There’s a lot of stuff which I’ve put in here, and then forgotten about entirely.


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Want List: Summer Edition

I like summer best when it’s still months away, and I can convince myself that I’ll actually enjoy it and make good use of it. Here, therefore, is my summer want list.

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